Thursday, June 12, 2008

If you blink you might miss out

**Photo update. Graduation photos finally uploaded!**

Last night, my stepson graduated from middle school. In September, he will be a full-fledged high school student.

Oh. My. God.

When my husband and I started dating, Jonathan was 5 years old. He is now 14 and, slowly, but surely, turning into a fine young man.

Talk about time slipping by.

Congratulations, Jonathan. We are so proud of you.

Ryan is 9-months-old today. He has now been in the world just as long as he was in my womb, 39 weeks.

I've been thinking about how to write this post for weeks now. I want to give it the treatment it deserves, but with so much else happening this week, I'm finding it hard to find the right words.

Here is my attempt, bear with me.

For 39 long, exhausting weeks, I carried this beautiful child inside my body and I hated every minute of it. I hated gaining weight. I hated throwing up. I hated not being able to sleep. I hated how awkward it was to carry Sophia while I was hugely pregnant and I hated when people commented on how huge I was. But the very second Sophia met Ryan, all of what I hated about pregnancy disappeared. The instant they met, I knew our family was complete. Every memory of uneasiness and worry and discomfort completely vanished when I saw that my daughter adored her brand new baby brother as much as I did.
We didn't plan on having Ryan and Sophia so close together, it was fate that brought him to us. Now that I've had these last 39 weeks to hold Ryan in my arms all of my initial reservations of having two children a mere 14 months apart are gone and I couldn't imagine our life any other way.

This is one of the first pictures of Sophia with Ryan. It was love at first sight.


Autumn's Mom said...

Congrats to Jonathan! We're just a year behind ya. That is a sweet picture. I can completely empathize with you on thoughts about your pregnancy, mine was very similar feeling (although I didn't have another monkey hanging on me at the time). As cranky as it was, I would do it all over again.

PS I'm so happy that I could expand my family to the size it is now...without the PAIN IN THE ARSE of pregnancy! haha

McMommy said...

Ohhh!!! That picture was so sweet!

I missed out on a pic like that when I had Carter. Matty was soooo sick when I delivered so we thought it best to not bring him to the hospital to meet his little bro.

Congrats to your biggest boy on his graduation!!

Thanks for playing POW!

Anonymous said...

Great picture! There is nothing like seeing the love between your children.