Thursday, May 8, 2008

This week's lesson

This week, although it’s not over yet, has been filled with learning experiences I never imagined I’d learn from writing a simple blog post. Since this is The Mommy Diaries, I thought that this would be the perfect place to celebrate motherhood. My husband said to me last week: “Mother’s Day should be like Christmas at The Mommy Diaries.” He was right. Again.

So with fresh inspiration, I put together a week (it’s not over yet, this post is a sidestep) of mom stories I wanted to share with you. I was hoping (there’s still time, you know) that some of you would take up my challenge to write your mom story, too. I thought this would be a perfect place to celebrate mom and all her glory. So far, not a single reader has shared their mom story, but I’m holding out that at least one of you out there will participate.

What I learned this week from my posts is that there are so many moms out there who are not told nearly enough that they are appreciated.

With that being said, there is still time to celebrate your mom, or any mom you admire, like a friend, your daughter, your grandmother or any other form of mother I’m forgetting. If you don’t want to post on The Mercury, just e-mail me your story and I’ll post it here for you.

Give mom more than just a day … give her an entire week.