Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Don't say a word

Shhh, I have a secret.

Don't tell anyone or else it will be jinxed.

I've been having terrible luck here in recent weeks. Every time I make a grand announcement about some major milestone, my kids go and prove me wrong that very night.

Can-in-point: Sophia goes on the potty. Yes, I may have said she is doing very well, but the day after I wrote that post she decided she wasn't ready for potty training by flat out refusing to even sit on the potty. Last week I decided Pull Ups were too expensive and since she stopped even trying to go, we went back to diapers until she's ready. The princess potty is now just a stool for her to stand on while she washes her hands. Maybe she'll use it one day.

See what I mean?

OK. Are you ready for the secret?


Sophia has slept through the night every night for a full week. In her own bed. Alone!

Ahhhh! Hooray!

Shhh! Quiet, please, she might hear this and I'll never have a good night's sleep again.


Anonymous said...

whispers very very quietly...that is so fantastic. Happy for her. Happier for you.

Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo!!!

Our little one has been great, but we are trying to ween her off of rocking with us and going to sleep drowsy.

Good luck and I won't tell

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

I am a huge believer in letting kids go potty in the potty when they are ready. People tried to pressure me to potty train my kids earlier than I did, but I knew they would have success if I waited and they did. Not that I didn't have to push the issue a bit, but not too much! And... with lots of incentives, of course! Don't we all need incentives.

And (in a whisper)... great to hear about the B.E.D.! Your secret is safe with me.

Anonymous said...


I wrote about Boo sleeping and acting all awesomelike and he went all psycho on me. I think the sandman comes and tells them what their mums are blogging about.

CelticBuffy said...

(oh so very quietly) congrats!

Laural Out Loud said...

That's great news!

And I won't tell your secret. I'm in the same boat when it comes to jinxing myself. I never thought to just make it a secret!

Kat said...

*whispering* Oh yeah!! That is so great - shush!!