Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Imagination running wild

I’m sure lots of people are going to have great stories to go with their tattoos, but not me. Sorry, kids, my tattoo is strictly about beauty.

A couple of years ago, a very good friend of mine, Hopey, introduced me to a book by Brian Froud, “Good Faeries/Bad Faeries.” Inside the book was hundreds of beautifully illustrated pictures of fairies and I completely fell in love with them. Up until that day, my only image of a fairy was Tinker Bell or the Tooth Fairy, and neither inspired me to do much, but when I saw these drawing, my entire outlook changed. I think his interpretation of what a fairy is and what it looks like is simply gorgeous.

I decided to get them put on my body as tattoos after a long conversation about them with my husband (tattoo enthusiast, extraordinaire) and then another one with my tattoo artist friend, Tattoo Mark (Sorry, no website to link to, but he totally rocks. This is the best I could find. I wouldn’t let anyone else on the planet tattoo me, ever.)

I have four tattoos on my back, they are part of mural I was working on getting done until I got pregnant. Of course, all tattooing has ceased for the moment, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to get them finished one day.
Here are the Brian Froud drawings of each of my fairy tattoos:

This was written as part of a blog blast from Sunshine Tattoo Party.


Going Crunchy said...

Oh, great story! My children and I love looking for "fairy nests" when we are out hiking. Fun tattoo!

Anonymous said...

I just love the magic of the fairies!

Nissa said...

I think it's a great story! I love fairies/faeries, too! I'm going to have to check out that book, now. Thanks for sharing! Mine's up now, too, if you want to stop by!

Autumn's Mom said...

Yours is pretty awesome. The other fairy pics are way cool :)

Sunshine said...

My girls would like yours too, they always wonder why my sun doesn't come off??? lol

Anonymous said...

It's so detailed. Awesome story.


BusyDad said...

Oh! You've got to finish that mural and post a pic when it's finished. I noticed yours on the initial quiz and thought it was really cool. Nice to find out about the person behind it!

Anonymous said...
